Sunday, January 6, 2013

Documents Needed For Aliyah--Part 2

Alrighty then!  This part covers the forms from the NBN website that you will be downloading, filling out, scanning and emailing or snail mailing back to them.  Please always remember and never forget:  If you mail anything to NBN (other than the photos), YOU keep the original, and THEY get the copy!

Here's the list I have:

Financial Affidavit--a summary of your net worth.

Grant Contract (If you are awarded financial assistance to make Aliyah).

Waiver of Confidentiality--to allow sharing of info between NBN and the Jewish Agency and/or other Israeli government entities.

Entry/ Exit Form--a form to document all of your entries and exits to/from Israel for the past 7 years prior to your anticipated Aliyah date. The amount of time you have cumulatively spent in Israel affects your benefits as a new immigrant.  There are 3 different categories, if I recall correctly.

Proof of Living Outside of Israel---Support for the Entry/Exit form--because I had many visits over a short period of time, I have been asked to send copies of my US Tax Returns as proof of residence outside of Israel to support the dates on my form.  If you previously lived in Israel under any number of circumstances, there are specific things you need to submit.  Please see the NBN website for more detailed information.

Health Declaration form--simple health questionnaire.

Declaration of Family Obligation--This is a document that must be filled out if you are divorced, separated, or are going thru a divorce and you have children born during the marriage.  My children are all grown and married, and my former spouse has been re-married for almost 20 years, and I still have to fill one out!  It also must be notarized.  If there are minor children making Aliyah, it must also be certified with the Apostille. There are a couple of other forms that have to do with children whose biological mother/father is not making Aliyah.  It would be best to go to the NBN site and read the requirements, as each scenario is somewhat different.

Adoption Papers---need to be submitted with an Apostille.

Sole Custody Papers--(Court Order) you need to submit the most recent order outlining the terms of the custody arrangement, and including any agreements regarding the children obtaining Israeli citizenship.  An apostille must be attached to the signed document if minor children are making aliyah.

Legal Name Change--(Other than by marriage)  If you have legally changed your name, you must submit a copy of the legal paperwork.  If it was issued after September 1, 1988, you MUST have an apostille on it.

Letter of Recommendation--written by a non-relative, attesting to your reasons for making Aliyah, your character, contribution to the community, etc.  It should be written by a community leader if possible.

References--needed from 2 non-relatives who have known you for more than 2 years.  They can be in the USA, U.K. or in Israel.  Please give NBN their contact information.

Supporting Statement--some refer to this as "The Essay".  It's just your own personal story about your desire to make Aliyah.  Tell of your reasons for wanting to live in Israel and how it all came about.  Also be sure to list your post Aliyah plans...where will you live?  What kind of work will you look for?  What is your education level?  What can you personally bring to Eretz Yisrael to make it better?  Or will living there make YOU better?  :)  Be truthful (of course!) but sell yourself.  My supporting statement went almost the whole character limit of 4,000 and was peppered with humor. Since I LIKE pepper, I'm hoping it wasn't overkill.  It remains to be seen.

Photos of Family Members Making Aliyah--this can be a group shot of the whole family in one picture.  If you are single, just submit a picture with only you in the photograph.  (Seems logical, eh?)  Digital photos are accepted.  Must be in color, recent, and of good quality.

Official Passport Photos--Go get 6 identical OFFICIAL passport photos taken of each family member making Aliyah. The first 3 (of each person) are going to be mailed to the NBN address on their website.  The other 2 or 3 will be given to your Shaliach at the Jewish Agency.  I am almost positive that this happens at the time of the face to face interview, but I will double check and update as necessary.  Depending on how you make Aliyah (charter flight, arrange your own flight, from within Israel, Lone Soldier program, etc.) determines how many photos the Jewish Agency will request.  Better to have one extra than to be one short! 

Taking Your Pets To Israel---Yes, this can be done.  I am doing it also.  It's a much more detailed and complicated process than when you just bring your pet on board a flight for a visit.  Time is of the essence, so go to the NBN website and read all about it!! 

Your cat/dog must have a rabies titer test, and that can take awhile to get the result.  Also, they must have a chip implanted that can be read on the frequency that Israel uses.  And THEN, right before you are ready to leave, (within 7 days or so of your flight) (like you're not already stressed to the limit!) they must be seen by a USDA approved Vet who will fill out all the appropriate paperwork stating that they are healthy and able to travel.  (This location for me is an 8 hour drive each way from where my flight originates!  AGH!!)  You will then fax most of this paperwork to Israel 48 hours before your expected arrival.  ***I was incorrect!!  All I am required to do is take my Vet's Certificate of International Travel (after the pets are examined) to the USDA office to have it certified...I do not have to take the animals with me to the appointment!  YAY!!  But that whole scenario is under a time constraint--it must be initiated and completed within 10 days of travel to Israel..... THEN fax that paperwork to Israel 48 hours prior to your arrival.  The fax number along with instructions are on the NBN Website.  I will update the cost involved for the USDA certification when I go through the process myself.

Oh.  And our pets don't get a free flight.  They are paying passengers.  I always brought my animals on board as my carry on---fitting perfectly under the seat in front of me.  But if you are on a charter flight, I can only imagine how many other travelers will be wanting to do the same.  On regular flights, I was told that only 4 pet carry-ons are allowed in the main cabin at a time.  I don't know if El Al makes exceptions on a charter flight, I can only hope.  My furry friends have never flown in the cargo hold.  :(  There's a first time for everything, I guess!

Yes, it's a rather stressful set of regulations to bring our animals along, but us pet lovers gotta do what we gotta do.   

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