Saturday, February 16, 2013

Life Is What Happens....

.....When you are busy making Aliyah and blogging plans! 

I do apologize for such a long absence.  Not a day went by that I didn't think, "Oh my, I need to write a post!" That later turned into, "Oh my! I need to explain why I dropped off the face of the earth!" 

Ok, Long Story Short:  My mother came to town.  Need I say more?!?!?   :)

But I will say a bit more.  She has not been in good health for the last few years. It was a miracle, really, for here to even be here at all. 

So there was the pre-mom preparation that most grown children can relate well as the visit itself....and then the post departure details.  We spent hours alone together (is that an oxymoron?!!?) as well as visiting with extended family.  A great time was had by all.

It was exhausting, however.  Probably more so emotionally than physically.  Lots of talking and reminiscing. Poring over 70+ years of family photographs that she brought with her. (Priceless!).  I know in the future I will treasure this visit with my mom even more than I do right now.

Although each day started with promise, by the end of the day I was totally spent.  I felt I had nothing left to give, and my blog went by the wayside.  Sorry little blog!

So thanks for hanging in there!  I will be back in the 'writing' saddle soon enough.

All the best,