Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hurry Up And Wait!

I took Owen and Jasmine in for their Rabies Titre (FAVN) testing on March 27th.  So I should be getting those results in the next 7 days.

I also got all of my required documents submitted to the NBN site for my Aliyah file. Today I received a call back from the Jewish Agency for my face to face Interview.  It's the final step in the approval process.  My interview will be May 2nd. I hear that the "yes" or "no" from the Jewish Agency can take about 3 weeks after the meeting.  Once you have it, my Aliyah Advisor said that I could schedule a flight out the very next day if there was room on an El Al flight!  But in reality, within a couple of weeks of the "yes", you could find yourself arriving at Ben-Gurion! 

NBN just added a Group flight from LAX, (Los Angeles, CA), but it doesn't leave until July 2nd.  My original "plan" (G-d is laughing) was to arrive in March or April.  Part of that reason, was to work up to the intensely humid summers in Israel.  Been to Florida?  It's hotter and more humid than the Sunshine State.  I am from an area in the USA where we are known to say:  "But it's a DRY heat!"  hahaha  There IS a difference!!  I guess I won't have time for a gradual acclimation regardless of when I fly, May, June, or July!!  (Ok, who is playing the violin?!?!?!?)

My Advisor also said that the biggest advantage in going to the Interview is to have a very clear POST ALIYAH plan.  If you already have your living arrangements and/or employment secured, you're 'more likely' to be approved for the process.  I am fortunate to have both, but I can't walk in thinking I've got this in the bag.  I need to prepare myself for "no".  Now, a 'no' doesn't mean that I cannot make Aliyah.  It simply means that I could not make it with and through the help of NBN and the Jewish Agency.  I would have to go to Israel and do it from within.  It would take a lot longer and be incredibly frustrating.  But I would still do it.

I am also getting estimates from different shipping companies for the cost of sending my personal effects over to Israel.  I think I can get by with a 20 foot container.  A lot of posts on the NBN Yahoo Group site say just sell everything and buy new or used in Israel.  Well, my tastes don't go with the ultra modern, European/IKEA type styles that are readily available there.  I prefer my antique furniture.  It's an eclectic mix, but each piece is made with such craftsmanship that to me they are individual works of art.  And I think being surrounded by what is loved and familiar to me will help ease the transitional stress.  When I look at my sofa or dining room table and can "see" my family sitting there, well, call me crazy, but I think it will go a long way in bringing me comfort at being so far away from my biological loved ones.

The prices range from $3500 to $6500 so far for the 20' container.  I have contacted 6 companies, and not all of the quotes are in yet.  And I am finding that they would prefer a bare minimum of 6 weeks' notice of your intended move, and would rather have a few months' notice. A friend told me that the shipping companies are all extremely competitive, so don't be afraid to negotiate the price.  She got $1,000 off of her original quote.  When I have all of the information, I may enlist her help in being my Negotiator!  hahaha

Well, there you have it.  That is what I have been up to since my last post.  I was surprised at how many views my site got in my absence!!  That was pretty cool!  Seems like a lot of folks are planning to travel with pets, as that has been the most viewed page.  I hope that documenting my journey is helping someone!  It sure helps relieve my fears and apprehensions (such as they are) to be able to write about the process and "get it out of my head" !! :)

Thanks for stopping by!


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